Blog /no more porn

December 19, 2003 00:47 +0000  |  Employment 5

i no longer work for the porn company that was cool enough to take a chance on me when i moved to this city. oddly enough though, my reasons for leaving had to do with just how much they were willing to risk... see, they offered me this job, with miserable pay, an hourly wage from which someone else was forever taking a cut, and absolutely no job security. the official position being "temporary full time" so they could can me whenever they pleased without notice or severance. i need more than that -- and i don't think that's unreasonable.

which brings me to my first rant (yay!) geeks are selling themselves way to short lately. sure the .com bubble burst, and sure you can't walk into an interview expecting them to buy you a new car just for signing on anymore (personally, i think that's insane anyway). but people have got to show some respect for themselves or they wind up with lousy pay, no security and zero respect. we have skills people. wake up and realise that this is an equal partnership -- your skills and time for their money and respect. they're not doing you a favour, you're co-benefitting.

alright, i'm done ranting. i'll miss the people there, but i know i'll be happier where i'm going. they're offering better pay, reasonable security and a good amount of stuff to learn and play with. 'course it's advertising, but hey -- everyone has to pick their battles and i'm gonna lay off the ads... for now.


19 Dec 2003, 8:08 p.m.  | 

Huzzah! Hurray for no more porn! ;) Not like I can say "hurray for advertising", but oh well, it's a better paying job anyway. :)

19 Dec 2003, 8:08 p.m.  | 

HORRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY! You can actually tell mom what your job is now!
*g* (which I assume you did during your convo earlier today while I was stuck at work.)

as for the question you left on my answering machine: yes you can link my lj if ya want.
ohh wait... I see you already did.


thanks for asking!


19 Dec 2003, 8:09 p.m.  | 

okay so, this is a use html or your words get smushed together thing huh?

forgive the weird post... I'm just testing this theory...


Long live Cuddles the Goat!

20 Dec 2003, 3:52 a.m.  | 

dan!!! finally we hear from you! hey i have an lj too. i don't know how you'd link but anyway, good to see you're not ... working with porn anymore. i'll email you later.

20 Dec 2003, 7:33 a.m.  | 


SON, WE NEED TO HAVE A TALK.......................

How about using a darker colour so old foggies can read this without turning into a bespeckled pretzel?
You were going to tell me about the porn, weren't you???
Mom #2

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