Blog /Greek Lemon Potatoes

December 26, 2023 11:04 +0000  |  Food Recipes 0

It's Christmastime, and I'm absolutely stuffed from the parade of food last night (three pieces of pumpkin pie!) but in preparation for the event, I was surprised by my favourite recipe for these potatoes disappearing from the URL I'd bookmarked. Thankfully,'s Wayback Machine was on-point and had a copy, so Christmas brelinner (we only had the one meal yesterday) was saved.

Regardless, the recipe is fantastic and leaning on for recipes feels like abuse, so I'm going to reproduce the recipe here.


  • 1kg potatoes
  • 2-3 garlic cloves (I generally use at least half a head though)
  • 2 tablespoons yellow mustard (yes, I'm talking about that French's stuff)
  • 4 tablespoons (of fresh lemon juice) (about 1 lemon's worth)
  • 1 tablespoon dry oregano (I'm rather liberal here)
  • 125ml of extra virgin olive oil
  • salt & pepper to taste


  1. Preheat the oven to 200°C

  2. Chop up your potatoes. The original recipe suggested that you should peel them and cut them into long wedges, but in my experience, the skins are tasty and more surface area makes for a nice crunchy texture, so I recommend roughly 2cm³ chunks is best.

  3. Put them all into a Great Big Bowl and dump in all of the above ingredients, tossing until everything is nicely covered.

  4. Pour the result into a big roasting pan, using a spatula to make sure you're not leaving any of the yummy goo behind. The pan should be sufficiently long & wide such as to ensure that the potatoes are all visible from above. Anything buried will just turn into mush.

  5. Cover your pan with foil (be thorough) and chuck it in the oven for 1 hour.

  6. Remove the foil and put it in for _another_ hour or until the tips of the potatoes look a little blackened.

That's it. Roughly 2½ hours of work and you've got yummy potatoes for about 4-6 people depending on how hungry you all are.


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